Thursday, January 28, 2010

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By Donald Travis

Price per watt is the primary unit of measurement for the solar energy. Watt Peak (Wp) is the direct current watts output of a solar module as measured under an Industry standardized Light Test before the Solar Module leaves the manufacturers facility.

Solar prices are falling fast, especially with thin-film technology. From early $27 per Watt Peak (Wp) prices to an expected $1 in the near future. At $1 Wp, grid parity will have been achieved in Photovoltaics (PV) and will be able to compete with the prevailing price of electricity.

Two types of solar panels are manufactured, expensive ! crystalline silicon types and proprietary thin-film solar panels. Thin Firm CdTe (Cadmium Telluride) is a direct band gap semiconductor, which enables it to convert solar energy into electricity more efficiently (i.e., more watts per kg of material) than the indirect band gap semiconductor materials used historically.

The lowest thin film module price is at $2.49 per watt (1.89 per watt) from a Germany-based retailer. As a general rule, it is typical to expect thin film modules to be at a price discount to crystalline silicon (for like module powers). As thin film manufacturers expand production, prices are expected to drop dramatically.

Thin Firm CdTe (Cadmium Telluride) modules to generate relatively more electricity under high ambient (and therefore high cell) temperatures. Which means it is more efficient should there be high temperatures.

Advanced thin film design produces high energy yield across a wide range of climatic conditio! ns with excellent low light response and temperature response ! coeffici ent. Frameless laminate is robust and can take a variety of shapes, is cost effective and recyclable as well.

What really matters is the total kilowatt-hours a panel produces. Then calculate the average solar wattage produced per dollar spent. Chances are, when you are reach $0.15/kWh or better, you are competitive with your electric company.

The kilowatt hour is a convenient unit for electrical bills. 48- volt systems are a lot more expensive overall to setup. There are battery banks, inverters and cabling costs to consider. Still they are are a lot more efficient that 12v systems. A 1000w system would produce about 4 Kwh per day. Energy usage of a typical electrical customer in one month is several hundred kilowatt hours. Most families use between 4-9 Kwh per day. Get a do it yourself solar power kit and experiment utilizing this energy saving technology.

Abou! t the Author:

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Sunday, January 24, 2010

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By Jenn Lawlor

Everyone has heard of people doing random acts of kindness, and paying kind acts forward without expecting anything in return for themselves. The payout or payoff as many self help people would say is that they get a good feeling and make their own lives happier just by doing kind acts for others. If you are kind to yourself, kind to others, and kind and gentle to the earth, as Michael J. Chase has said in speaking engagements, your life will be better. Also your relationships are sweeter and your health is much improved.

One example of the transforming power of kindness is the story of Michael J. Chase. He hadn't alway! s lived in a kind or friendly environment; he'll tell you it was rough and troublesome, but after hard times and personal reflection, he came upon a more positive alternative. It was life changing for him and later, thanks to his book, others have had the chance to learn about his viewpoint for kindness and its effects on the world around you.

The book, called "Am I Being Kind," guides readers and has them question their actions. Readers will learn more about themselves than they ever dreamed. They will discover that the concept of being kind involves far more than simply committing nice actions and being polite to other people. However, these acts do play a role in the overall concept of kindness. For instance, readers will find much joy in performing small acts of kindness for others, from paying for a stranger's meal to holding a door open for the person walking in behind them.

Letting someone cut ahead of you in line is another small yet kind a! ction. It is very easy to perform these good deeds, yet the re! ward for committing them is huge. The helpful person feels a great sense of good and well-being, while recipients are reminded that others will go out of their way to think about and assist strangers. In turn, they are much more inclined to perform a good deed of their own, which causes a wave of kindness that moves from person to person. Greater happiness has a beneficial impact on the entire world. Spreading positivity gives a feeling of joy to all involved.

So if you're having a bad day (or week or even an unfortunate month), make things better today for yourself and someone else by being kind to them. Whether it's a friend or a complete stranger, you'll soon discover the life-changing effects kindness can have. With a little luck, everyone else will catch the same feeling and create it for themselves and others by the same simple acts. It's then that everybody benefits with improved outlooks and that special feeling of satisfaction inside for having improved another! 's day (and possibly life).

About the Autho

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By Ann Shorb

I just celebrated a birthday. One of those milestone birthdays that gets lots of attention. You know, as I look back over these years, I can see one thing that stands out so clearly over all the many years and through the many places I've been - the faithfulness of God. I think back to a time when as a child of eight years old, I realized I was lost and needed a Savior, and I committed my heart to Jesus Christ.

Only a few short years later I felt a clear calling from God to work towards a lifetime of service as a missionary. I hardly knew anything about missions at the time, except that missionaries told others about Jesus and the Bible. At! that time I was 10 years old and I turned my life over to the Lord.

All through those teenage years I vacillated a little bit, not knowing exactly where I wanted to go, or what I wanted to study, or what I wanted to be. But I always knew God had His hand on my life and had given me a special purpose. As I went off to college way back in the 70's, I decided to study Elementary Education so that I could prepare to share the Lord Jesus Christ with others in a foreign country.

When I went to college I met a man and fell in love. We both knew that we would be serving in missions after we were married, and we wound up in Africa. Those days were full of adventure and the unknown, which was exciting for us. But it wasn't always positive or fun, things were quite difficult at times.

There were personal struggles, challenges with being away from family and friends, and the political situation did not always seem stable. Through it all God was f! aithful to us without fail. Everything we needed, whether it b! e food o r clothes for our new born, was provided to use even though it had seemed impossible.

When it was time to move on from Africa we returned to the States and then headed back to the mission field as we went to France. Throughout all of of years and through the many trials that we have faced, God has always been faithful.

After being in France for a few years we moved on and returned to the States where we have been for more than 20 years now. God was not only faithful to us when we were serving overseas, but He has continued to meet all of our needs since.

It reminds me of the song lyrics, "Great is Thy faithfulness, O God, my Father. There is no shadow of turning with Thee. Thou changest not, Thy compassions they fail not. Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord unto me." As I look back on my life and see the things that He has done for me an my family I can certainly say, "Great is Thy faithfulness!

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Saturday, January 23, 2010

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By Jason Kendall

A variety of different training programs are in existence for people hoping to get into the IT industry. To find one you'll be happy with, look for a company with assistance to help you find which career will match your personality, and give you an understanding of the job responsibilities, to help you clearly understand whether it's the right one for you.

There's a big selection when it comes to such cour! ses - from basic office skills up to training programs for programmers, networkers, web designers etc. Take advice before you take the plunge - talk to an advisor with knowledge of the market sector. Someone who can help you select the right career path for you - that's both relevant to industry and will prepare you for a career you'll enjoy.

The latest training methods at last give students the chance to be instructed on an innovative style of course, that is far less expensive than traditional courses. The low overhead structure of the new courses means anyone can afford them.

Think about the following facts carefully if you're inclined to think that over-used sales technique about an 'Exam Guarantee' sounds great value:

Patently it isn't free - you are paying for it - it's just been included in your package price.

It's well known in the industry that if a student pays for each examination, one after the other, there's a! much better chance they'll pass first time - as they are cons! cious of what they've paid and their application will be greater.

Shouldn't you be looking to go for the best offer at the appropriate time, not to pay the fees marked up by the training company, and also to sit exams more locally - rather than possibly hours away from your area?

Big margins are netted by a significant number of organisations that get money upfront for exam fees. For quite legitimate reasons, a number of students don't get to do their exams and so they pocket the rest. Believe it or not, there are training companies that actually rely on students not sitting all the exams - as that's where a lot of their profit comes from.

In addition to this, you should consider what an 'exam guarantee' really means. The majority of organisations will not pay again for an exam until you have demonstrated conclusively that you won't fail again.

Splashing out often many hundreds of pounds extra on an 'Exam Guarantee' is naive - when! a commitment to studying and the use of authorised exam preparation tools is what will get you through.

If you're thinking of using a training academy that is still using workshop days as a benefit of their course, then consider these issues encountered by the majority of students:

* Lots of round trips - normally 100's of miles.

* If, like many of us, you work, then Mon-Fri workshops are difficult to make. Typically you are having to deal with several days in a row too.

* If we've got 20 days holiday per year, sacrificing half of them for study workshops leaves us with very few opportunities for days off.

* With the high costs involved, many companies make the classes quite large - certainly not ideal (and much less personal).

* Class pace - classes typically consist of students of varying aptitude, therefore tension can be created between the quicker-learners and those who prefer a more relaxed! pace.

* Count the cost of all the petrol, fares,! parking , food and accommodation and you may be surprised (and not pleasantly). Trainees have reported extra costs of between several hundred and a couple of thousand pounds. Do the maths - and see for yourself.

* You should never risk even a small chance of being side-stepped for potential advancement or income boosts while you're training.

* Many of us find it difficult to ask questions in a class full of other trainees - so we don't appear ignorant.

* When your work takes you away from home, you face the added difficulty that events now become difficult to get to - unfortunately however, the fees were paid along with everything else at the start.

It obviously makes a lot more sense to study at your convenience - not your training provider's - and use videos of instructors with interactive virtual-lab's.

You could study at home on your PC or if you've got a laptop, you can go anywhere. Any questions; then use the pro! vided 24x7 live support (that you should have insisted on for any technical study.)

All the lessons can be repeated whenever you feel you need to - memory is aided by repetition. And note-taking is a thing of the past - it's all laid on.

Could it be simpler: No travelling, wasted time or money; plus you end up with a more stress-free study setting.

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By Anthony Lussier

The astral dimension can be roughly summed up as an immaterial parallel plane existing alongside the one we are familiar with and which offers seemingly limitless possibilities of experience. Think of it as a very lucid dream intersecting with our physical world.

It is typical when out of the physical body to be aware of oneself as a point of consciousness or energy which hovers about in the environme! nt. During these times there seems to be no restrictions in relation to the laws of physics (like gravity). The world around us seems as real - more real even - as the one we are accustomed with and time is perceived in an altered fashion as well.

Although there are common denominators to all out of body experiences, there are several variables that make each experience unique. Most people report that their first few oobes changed their perception of life and of themselves.

Begin your out of body exploration by selecting a time and place where no one will disturb you. Contrarily to what many think, trying to perform astral projection at night is not the most auspicious time - early morning is. This is because the chemical balance in the brain at this time is conducive to the oobe state.

Begin by allowing your mind and body to relax as deeply as possible while still staying attentive. After some time you will enter the theta brainwave s! tate. It is a slow-frequency state reminiscent of meditation a! nd dream ing. It is not an easy feat to reach this level of relaxation for most people.

It may help to focus your mind on an object such as a burning candle during the relaxation process. It does not matter what the object is as long as you are comfortable with it and it channels your mental energy. Take care to breathe slowly and deeply (without straining). When you feel like it, start to visualize and try to get a sense of what astral projection would be like.

You will know you are nearing the theta state as your body will feel more heavy and may even appear to be paralyzed. This is a normal occurrence called 'sleep paralysis' which happens when your brain actually thinks your body has fallen asleep.

At this point, it will be time to act out an exit technique to have the physical and energetic bodies separate from each other. You can, for example, imagine a rope hanging down from above you. Reach for it mentally or energetically and pull yours! elf out of your body. Don't move your physical body one iota or you will ruin your attempt. Use whatever visualization or exit technique you like - it is the feeling which matters.

The transition out of the body may happen quickly or not. What is important is to execute the exit method at the right time when you are deep into the theta state - otherwise you may only end up moving the physical body and have to begin over as your trance state will be broken.

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Thursday, January 21, 2010

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Your credit file may not reflect all your credit accounts. Although most national department store and all-purpose bank credit card accounts will be included in your file, not all creditors supply information to credit bureaus : Some travel, entertainment, gasoline card companies, local retailers, and credit unions are among those creditors that don''t.

If you''ve been told that you were denied! credit because of an "insufficient credit file" or "no credit file" and you have accounts with creditors that don''t appear in your credit file, ask the credit reporting agency to add this information to future reports.

Although they are not required to do so, many credit bureaus will add verifiable accounts for a fee. However, understand that if these creditors do not report to the credit bureau on a regular basis, the added items will not be updated in your file.

Sample Letter to Add Positive Information to Your Credit Record


Credit Bureau Name


City, State Zip

To Whom It May concern :

After reviewing my recent credit report from your company, I noted that my credit report does not include information that I know is important to providing a complete picture of me as a credit using consumer.

Therefore, I request that you add the following account information on my credit file.

Creditor :

Address :

Acc! ount Typ e :

Date Opened :

Credit Limit :

Balance : ( If it''s an open account )

If there is any fee for this service or for any additional information you might need from me, you can reach me at ( your phone number ).

Thank you in advance for your unparalleled assistance.


your signature

Your Name


Social Security Number

Date Of Birth

For Example :

Suppose you had bought a used car from a used car lot 4 years ago. And the cost for your used car was $8000.00, which you have paid off in 2 years. If you can show on your credit report the auto loan you''ve paid off, that can dramatically change your credit report. Therefore, what you can do is contact the your used car dealership and demand for your account to be reported.

Or you can request a copy of your auto loan payment history to be mailed to you so you can mail it yourself to the cr! edit bureaus. It''s important to ask yourself why a certain account was not reported on your credit report.

In most cases small businesses avoid reporting to credit bureaus because it cost businesses money to report your payment history to credit bureaus every month. To put it simply, every business who wants to report their clients account payment history will have to subscribe to these credit bureaus and the subscription cost the business money.

About The Author

© Copyright.

Omar M. Omar is the owner of The website is dedicated to provide credit consumers with information about their credit right and how to dispute inaccurate information on their credit report. Omar M. Omar is also the author Of "The Credit Repair Bible" book.

You have permission to publish! this article electronically or in print, in your Newsletter, ! on your website, or in your E-Book, as long as the author''s Resource Box is included with the article.', 127, 'Can You Acquire Good Credit Overnight? You Bet, Credit, Credit articles, Credit information, about Credit, what is Credit, Credit Information', 'Can You Acquire Good Credit Overnight? You Bet plus articles and information on Credit'

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To reduce or minimize the risk of becoming a victim of identity theft or fraud, there are some basic steps you can take.

The most important one is to ask periodically for a copy of your credit report. T! his is crucial because it is the surest and quickest way to determine if someone is using your name. Your credit report should list all bank and financial accounts under your name, and will provide other indications of whether someone has wrongfully opened or used any accounts in your name. Any discrepancies should send up a red flag for you.

Next, be careful about giving out your personal information to others unless you have a reason to trust them. Start by adopting a "need to know" approach to your personal data.

Your credit card company may need to know your mother''s maiden name, so that it can verify your identity when you call to inquire about your account, but a person who instead calls you does not need to know that information. Also, limit the personal information you have on your bank checks.

Be suspicious of someone who calls you on the telephone and offers you the chance to receive a credit card, for instance, and asks you for personal informa! tion. Request that he send you a written application form. If ! they ref use, tell them you are not interested and hang up.

If you''re traveling, have your mail held at your local post office or ask someone you trust to collect your mail while you are gone.

Do not give out personal information when you are on the telephone in a public place where people can listen in to your conversation.

Check your financial information (credit report) regularly, and look for what should be there and what shouldn''t.

And remember to ask periodically for a copy of your credit report.

To obtain the excellent credit report service, avoid becoming a Victim of Identity Theft, get FREE online Credit Report, make your Credit Score higher or correct your credit visit Legalhelper ( ).

Your credit score is important for obtaining credit. Your credit score is important to know, whether you need a new credit card, an auto loan, or a mortg! age. Lenders use your credit scores to decide whether you are a good credit risk. If you have a high credit score, you are more likely to obtain the best rates.

About The Author

Alex Katz - Security Analyst', 127, 'How You Can Avoid Becoming A Victim Of Identity Theft, Credit, Credit articles, Credit information, about Credit, what is Credit, Credit Information', 'How You Can Avoid Becoming A Victim Of Identity Theft plus articles and information on Credit'

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These five debt negotiation facts along with a few debt reduction planning tools gives you the ability to control your own debt. For many people today credit card debt is a mounting problem and very few know how to successfully negotiate debt settlements.

If you want to learn how to successfully negotiate with your creditors, follow the five debt negotiation facts below! which offers you some solutions to your debt problems. This not only gives you a way to gain control of your credit card debts but all of your finances.

Debt, in the form of credit cards or loans, mounts up daily with interest charges, additional finance fees, and service charges. Lumping these charges and fees on top of the previously borrowed amount can make the price tag on a loan or credit card multiply a lot higher than a person originally figured on. This is what makes debt become too high to properly manage.

When the price of debt becomes too high to realistically pay each month, debt negotiation offers an opportunity to put a time out on the debt process. That allows you to reassess and renegotiate the terms with a creditor that are not currently feasible to comply with.

Knowing how to negotiate debt settlements can be a tricky process and can take a lot of time and effort to successfully complete. But a few simple facts can make the process much ! less stressful and can produce better odds of success than goi! ng into the negotiations blind.

The first debt negotiation fact to keep in mind is that you are the keeper of all of your own information. You must be responsible for accurately knowing the amount of debt you owe, to whom,at what rates and with what fees.

Second, keep accurate records, from this moment, of what you pay and what you borrow. This will enable you to see your own spending and paying habits are to help you discuss them with the people you are in debt to.

Third, be aware that the companies you are in debt to want your money, but they may or may not work with you. Your debt makes them more money in fees, but there will come a point when they are ready to end the arrangement as well.

Fourth, if you really want to learn how to negotiate debt settlements, you have to be prepared to ask for exactly what you want. Keep asking and keep looking for a solution that will benefit both you and your creditors.

Fifth, be willing to foll! ow through with the debt reduction planning tools you and your creditors have negotiated. Put yourself on the line by asking questions, then represent yourself with integrity by following through on the terms of your negotiations.

Debt negotiation works, and offers solutions to achieve financial freedom without bankruptcy and the fact that you were able to handle your own debt. Battling debt can be a scary time in anyone''s life, but knowing these debt negotiation facts offers you a light at the end of the tunnel.

Copyright © 2005 Credit Repair All Rights Reserved.

This article is supplied by where you will find credit information, debt elimination programs and informative facts that give you the knowledge to correct your own credit and credit report. For more credit related articles like these go to:! om/artic les_1.html', 127, 'Five Debt Negotiation Facts, Credit, Credit articles, Credit information, about Credit, what is Credit, Credit Information', 'Five Debt Negotiation Facts plus articles and information on Credit

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When you find yourself thinking about using a credit counseling service, you need to be very careful. You need someone who will help you, not just some pushy sales associate who wants only to sign you up for their service.

You are about to place your financial life in someone else''s hands. Make sure you have t! he answers to some questions before you do. Then make sure you like the answers to your questions. Here are some for starters:

Which of my creditors have you worked with in the past?

You have a list of your creditors. You want to compare it to the creditors they have worked

with in the past. Have they been successful working with your creditors in reducing payments,

lowering interest, and eliminating fees?

You need to know not all creditors will work with credit counselors. If all, or most, of your

creditors have, or will, you should investigate these services further. If not, credit counseling won''t do you much good. To protect yourself, ask for a list (in writing) of any of your creditors they have worked with in the past.

Will my creditors be paid on time each month?

Two things come into play here. What are the due dates of each creditor and when during the month do you get paid? Nothing defeats the purpose faster than pay! ing a creditor late, after you have set up a new payment sched! ule.

Some credit counseling services use a set date each month to make payments from the money you have given them. If they don''t have your creditors change the due date you could be socked with late fees each month. Find a service that adjusts the due dates of your bills to work around the days you get paid.

How do I pay you each month?

The credit counselor can''t pay your creditors until you pay them each month. Will they

remove money, each month, from your account with an electronic transfer or are you

required to send them a guaranteed check or money order? You want to make it as easy as

possible for this plan to work. Look for a service that will withdraw funds from your

account automatically each month.

When and how often will I get statements of my accounts?

Just because you have turned over a portion of your financial life to someone else to run, does not mean you don''t need to keep track of what is ! going on. Your statements should break down your payments so you can see where the money is going. How much is going to interest, how much to the principal balances, and how much is being paid to the credit counseling service.

Who can I call?

When you have a problem or question can you speak with someone on the phone? Are you able to speak to the same counselor each time? If not, how long do you take to returns phone calls?

Do this up front. Make sure you can live with the answers you receive. Then test the service to see if they live up to what they have said. Check their service out before you sign on the bottom line. If you find that you can''t get questions answered or telephone calls returned look for another service. Going through credit counseling is stressful enough without any added problems.

These questions will give you a good idea what kind of service you have found. There are other questions you may ask. If you think of any do not hesita! te to ask and don''t stop asking until you get the answers you! need. I t is your money.

David Wilding works with both individuals and groups to help them rid their lives of debt. For the past ten years he has attempted to change attitudes toward and acceptance of personal debt. Visit his website for more ideas, tools, and strategies to become debt free.', 134, 'Selecting A Credit Counselor; Asking The Right Questions., Debt-Relief, Debt-Relief articles, Debt-Relief information, about Debt-Relief, what is Debt-Relief, Debt Relief Information', 'Selecting A Credit Counselor; Asking The Right Questions. plus articles and information on Debt-Relief

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Wholeness requires separation. In order for you to experience yourself as being whole, you spend most of your live experiencing being separated, trying to get back to wholeness.

One of your most creative ways of moving away from happiness has been through consumer debt. Your fixation with! spending, gives you little time to contemplate being whole, until it hits you in the face with a debt load that you can no longer manage.

The Black Plague of the industrialized world is debt for consumer goods and services. No matter how you may reason it, going into debt to buy a big screen TV or stereo system, a new boat, or lawn furniture, just is not necessary. You have been taught that all of these things are necessary to be happy and successful. You have moved away from happiness in order to feel it again by learning how to be miserable. Now that you are up to your ears in bills, you think that you would be happy again, if only you did not owe all this money.

As adults, you spend one third of your lives paying of loans and mortgages, another third of your life paying taxes. The last third is supporting someone else. The fourth third you get to keep for yourself. Debt is the majour contributing factor in marriage and business break-ups. Where is there room! for happiness in this chaos?

Consumerism feeds the fat ! pockets of debt. It is like bulimia, you eat and eat and eat, then puke it all back up, only to start over again. Consumerism is the industrialized world''s version of happiness. Because humanity has moved so far away from happiness, he no longer understands what it is, and believes that "things," make him happy. He cannot live without things. Because he is unhappy and notices that other people appear to be happy with their things, he believes that if only he had one of those, he would be happy also.

The insanity is that you have been collectively doing this thing repeatedly for so long, you do not believe you can be happy without spending and going into debt. Humanity has not learned from this mistake. You cannot buy happiness. You must be happy first, and then your spending will reflect that happiness and will not be dependant on the spending.

Debt is the cancer that kills your happiness. Move away from spending and debt and get in touch w! ith your true feelings and basic needs. When you begin to move to this place of wholeness, you will never do anything that could jeopardize that happiness. Money does not buy happiness in place of a failed belief system. At best it is only a temporarily relief like debt consolidation until you start the cycle over again.

Life lived simply, allows lots of room for happiness, it is the playground of happy people. Happiness comes naturally to all beings at birth; you then learn how to be unhappy before you can move back to the experience of happiness.

Roy E. Klienwachter is a resident of British Columbia, Canada. A student of NLP, ordained minister, New Age Light Worker and Teacher. Roy has written and published five books on New Age wisdom. Roy''s books are thought provoking and designed to empower you to take responsibility for your life and what you create. His books and articles are written in the simplicity and eloquence of Zen wisdom.

You may not always! agree with what he has to say. You will always come away with! a new p erspective and your thinking will never be the same.

Roy''s style is honest and comes straight from the heart without all the metaphorical mumble jumble and BS.

Visit Roy at:', 134, 'Debt is The Master of Souls, Debt-Relief, Debt-Relief articles, Debt-Relief information, about Debt-Relief, what is Debt-Relief, Debt Relief Information', 'Debt is The Master of Souls plus articles and information on Debt-Relief

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In the twenty-first century, there are few documents that have a greater impact on the lives of Americans then their credit report. Credit rating determines one''s ability to buy a home, a car, or to obtain a credit card or a job. Since these things are important, it is equally important that the information be accurate. The only way to be sure of that is to check the repo! rt regularly. Prior to last fall, there were two ways to obtain a copy of your credit report: to pay for one, or to obtain one for free after being denied credit. Thanks to the Fair Credit Reporting Act passed last year, Americans can now obtain a free copy of their credit report from each of the three credit reporting agencies once a year.

Due to anticipated heavy response to the offer of free credit reports, the program has been rolled out in stages. People living in the West and Midwest are already eligible to apply for a copy of their report at As of June 1, 2005, those living in the Southeast are now eligible, and on September 1, 2005, those living in the Northeast will be eligible. All that is required to receive a copy of your credit report is to answer a few simple questions. Since it only takes a few minutes to do, there is really no reason to put off checking your credit report, and you may benefit tremendously by doing so.

! The credit score is a single, three digit number that represen! ts an in dividual''s credit worthiness, and that score is obtained through a complex formula that takes into consideration a person''s borrowing and spending habits and payment history. A high score makes someone more eligible for loans and credit, while a lower score may indicate that a person is a risk to repay. While the information contained on a credit report is generally accurate, incorrect information sometimes shows up on credit reports, and incorrect information could result in someone who being denied a loan for which they might otherwise be qualified. Furthermore, a credit report check is the best way to determine if you have been the victim of identity theft, an increasingly popular crime that often goes unnoticed for a year or more. If your identity is stolen, your credit rating can be ruined and you can be burdened with thousands of dollars in debt. The new bankruptcy law, which goes into effect in October 2005, draws no distinctions between debt incurred by an individu! al and debt incurred through identity theft. This alone should be reason enough to check your credit report regularly.

Since the law now allows individuals to obtain one free report per agency per year, anyone who wants to keep a close eye on their credit report can obtain a free report as often as every four months. Since the credit report affects your life in so many important ways, checking it regularly should become a habit.

©Copyright 2005 by Retro Marketing.

Charles Essmeier is the owner of Retro Marketing, a firm devoted to informational Websites, including, a site devoted to debt consolidation and credit counseling, and, a site devoted to information regarding structured settlements', 127, 'Credit Report ? Check Yours Regularly - and for Free, Credit, Cr! edit articles, Credit information, about Credit, what is Credi! t, Credi t Information', 'Credit Report ? Check Yours Regularly - and for Free plus articles and information on Credit

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Raising your credit score can be a fairly simple and straightforward process unless you have derogatory marks that need to be disputed (which will be explained below).

The reasons for bad credit can be as follows, high balances, bankruptcies, late payments, and many others. The most significant thing you can do to raise your score is to change your financial habits. Ch! ances are that if you have a bad credit score, you did something to make it that way. Here are some of the best ways to quickly raise your credit score:

1. The most obvious: pay off your debt! This doesn''t include a home mortgage, but revolving balances such as credit card debt, a car loan, etc.

2. Make every payment on time. This is the most important factor in your credit score rating. If you have had late payments in the past, it will take some time to see real results from your on-time payments, but keep it up, sooner or later the credit bureau will notice the change in your payment habits. Develop the mentality that no late payment is acceptable!

3. If possible, pay over your minimum amount. This is especially important with credit card balances, and will reflect a slight boost in your score.

4. If you have paid off all your debt, and your credit score seems to be at a stand still, you might want to make small purchases each month with your cre! dit card and pay them off immediately. Often times the credit ! bureaus like to see at least some kind of activity. Otherwise, they have no way to gauge how you are doing financially.

5. Be patient! Sometimes repairing credit can be a long and arduous process. Especially if you have had a bankruptcy. It can often take the better part of a year or more to see any significant raises in your score.

Clearing a derogatory mark on your credit report:

This is probably the most difficult in regards to credit repair. If you have requested a copy of your credit report, and notice a problem (an example would be a late payment mark), that shouldn''t be there, you need to take action to get the derogatory mark cleared as soon as possible. It is extremely important to get your credit score cleared before you attempt to get prequalified for mortgage.

Here are the steps you should take:

First of all, if you are in contact with a loan officer, you may want to describe the problem you are having to them. They can ! be very helpful when it comes to credit repair, and should know exactly what to do if you have a bad mark on your credit that is a mistake. In some cases, they may even call the creditor for you to address the situation.

Second, you should call your creditor and each credit bureau to find out which course of action you should take. In most cases, writing a letter will do. Here is an example letter:

Date 00/00/00

Dear Big Credit Bureau,

This letter is a complaint that you are reporting inaccurate and/or incomplete credit information on my credit report. I am displeased that you have included the below information in my credit profile that includes the following errors. Credit reporting laws ensure that bureaus report 100% accurate credit information.

The following information concerning my credit report needs to be re-investigated. I respectfully request to be provided proof of this alleged item on my credit report. If this cannot be provided, t! he item must be deleted from my report as soon as possible:

CRED ITOR AGENCY, acct. 123-34567-ABC

The listed item is inaccurate and/or incomplete, and is a serious error in reporting. Please delete this information, and supply a corrected credit profile to all creditors who have received a copy within the last 6 months, or the last 2 years for employment purposes. Also, please provide the name, address, and telephone number of each credit grantor or other subscriber.

Under federal law, you have 30 days to complete your re- investigation. Be advised that the description of the procedure used to determine the accuracy and completeness of the information is hereby requested as well, to be provided within 15 days of the completion of your re-investigation.

your signature

Your Name
SSN# 123-45-6789

Unfortunately, you will need to write 3 separate letters to each of the 3 major credit bureaus. Here are the contact addresses for each:

Trans Union
P.O. Box 1000
Chester, PA 190! 22

P.O. Box 740241
Atlanta, GA 30374-0241

P.O. Box 2104
Allen, TX 75013-2104

Justin is the President of the Christian Real Estate Network -', 127, 'Repairing Your Credit Score and Clearing Derogatory Marks on Your Credit Report, Credit, Credit articles, Credit information, about Credit, what is Credit, Credit Information', 'Repairing Your Credit Score and Clearing Derogatory Marks on Your Credit Report plus articles and information on Credit

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Life Insurance Corporation of Ind! ia (LIC), which had earlier scheduled the launch its credit card for January will now do so before end-March, a senior company official said.

"We plan to launch our credit card before the end of this fiscal," a LIC spokesperson told PTI here. LIC has tied-up with Karnataka-based Corporation Bank for its white-labelled credit cards. The bank will be the card issuer. The launch was deferred due to "some technical reasons," the LIC spokesperson said.

LIC had asked Corporation Bank to sort out the problems before the launch itself so that there were no issues later on, the spokesperson said. When contacted, a Corporation Bank official said that the bank had sorted out all technical problems and was now ready for the launch.

"The launch was delayed since the card is a white- label credit card which requires some formalities (to be completed). But now we are ready and awaiting the launch date," Corporation Ban! k's General Manager (New Initiatives), B R Bhat, said. "In any! case, w e will launch the credit card in this financial year itself," Bhat said.

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The Reserve Bank of India has stated that banks and finance companies issuing credit cards should not resort to intimidation or harassment to recover dues.

"The banks or non-! banking finance companies (NBFCs) and their agents should not ! resort t o intimidation or harassment of any kind either verbal or physical against any person in their debt collection efforts, including acts intended to humiliate publicly or intrude the privacy of the credit card holders' family members, referees and friends, making threatening and anonymous calls or making false and misleading representations," the RBI said in its draft guidelines on Credit Card Operations.

When banks outsource credit card operations, they had to be extremely careful that the appointment of such service providers did not compromise with the quality of the customer service and the bank's ability to manage credit liquidity and operational risk.

In the choice of the service provider banks had to be guided by the need to ensure confidentiality of the customer's records, respect customer privacy and adhere to fair practices in debt collection.

Before reporting default status of a credit card holder to the Credit Information Bureau of India Ltd (CIBIL) or any other credit information company authorised by the RBI, the banks might ensure that they adhered to a procedure, duly approved by their board, including issuing of sufficient notice to such card holder about the intention to report him/her as defaulter to the Credit Information Company.

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Credit Information Bureau has CIBIL marked a new era in Indian cousnumer Finance space by announcing the availability of Credit Report to the Consumers with immediate effect.

You may ask, Is is not t! hrough o nline? Well you may have to wait for it till third quater of 2009. Something is better than nothing!

Now let us guide you, How to get the Consumer Credit Report from CIBIL?

Take a Demand Draft for Rs.142/- payable at Mumbai and fill out a Form and attach any one of the self attested Identity proofs.
  • PAN Card
  • Passport
  • Voters ID
and also you need to give any one of the following self attested address proof copies.
  • Bank Statement
  • Landline Telephone Bill
  • Electricity Bill.

CIBIL will honour the request for Credit Report once you mail the documents to the below address

Credit Information Bureau (India) Limited,
P.O. Box 17,
Millennium Business Park,
Navi Mumbai- 400 710

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Can transmit a 0% interest credit card balance go a long way to alleviate the financial burden. I know that many Americans feel quite overwhelmed sultry. If you happened to be a high level of credit card debt, you may feel as if you never get to wear completely paid.

Compounding this problem is the fact that many credit card companies will raise interest rates for people with substantial debt, because asfor a gr! eater credit risk. Sounds cool, right? They just keep piling it in.

If this is your current situation, then you can at least take comfort in the fact that you are not alone. More and more Americans find themselves deeper and deeper into debt. There are many reasons for this and no reason to really go into them here. This is a subject exhaustively in his own.

A viable solution can be found in 0% interest credit card balance transfers. You are at aincreasingly popular way to consolidate and manage credit card debt. And credit card companies, including Bank of America, American Express, Discover Card and Chase are trying to issue them.

These are huge funding for banks and credit card companies. What hope they are, of course, you gain new customers. But ultimately they know that many of these new customers the debt they carry is transferred via the introductory phase.

You have thisdown to a science and know very well that the majority of ! people do just that. And the credit card companies rake in hug! e profit s from interest payments. But I have to say here that they do not have to be so.

Take advantage of 0% interest balance transfer credit cards by setting up an aggressive schedule of payments. Most introductory rates last for between 6-12 months. Do some quick math and see how much you would have to pay back every month to pay the debtsexpire before the introductory rate.

And take heart. Even if you can not afford it, it certainly pays to fully take advantage of the zero-percent stake and to pay off a substantial part of it. And now you have to be well on your way to credit debt, and the nasty interest rates.

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