Saturday, January 23, 2010

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By Jason Kendall

A variety of different training programs are in existence for people hoping to get into the IT industry. To find one you'll be happy with, look for a company with assistance to help you find which career will match your personality, and give you an understanding of the job responsibilities, to help you clearly understand whether it's the right one for you.

There's a big selection when it comes to such cour! ses - from basic office skills up to training programs for programmers, networkers, web designers etc. Take advice before you take the plunge - talk to an advisor with knowledge of the market sector. Someone who can help you select the right career path for you - that's both relevant to industry and will prepare you for a career you'll enjoy.

The latest training methods at last give students the chance to be instructed on an innovative style of course, that is far less expensive than traditional courses. The low overhead structure of the new courses means anyone can afford them.

Think about the following facts carefully if you're inclined to think that over-used sales technique about an 'Exam Guarantee' sounds great value:

Patently it isn't free - you are paying for it - it's just been included in your package price.

It's well known in the industry that if a student pays for each examination, one after the other, there's a! much better chance they'll pass first time - as they are cons! cious of what they've paid and their application will be greater.

Shouldn't you be looking to go for the best offer at the appropriate time, not to pay the fees marked up by the training company, and also to sit exams more locally - rather than possibly hours away from your area?

Big margins are netted by a significant number of organisations that get money upfront for exam fees. For quite legitimate reasons, a number of students don't get to do their exams and so they pocket the rest. Believe it or not, there are training companies that actually rely on students not sitting all the exams - as that's where a lot of their profit comes from.

In addition to this, you should consider what an 'exam guarantee' really means. The majority of organisations will not pay again for an exam until you have demonstrated conclusively that you won't fail again.

Splashing out often many hundreds of pounds extra on an 'Exam Guarantee' is naive - when! a commitment to studying and the use of authorised exam preparation tools is what will get you through.

If you're thinking of using a training academy that is still using workshop days as a benefit of their course, then consider these issues encountered by the majority of students:

* Lots of round trips - normally 100's of miles.

* If, like many of us, you work, then Mon-Fri workshops are difficult to make. Typically you are having to deal with several days in a row too.

* If we've got 20 days holiday per year, sacrificing half of them for study workshops leaves us with very few opportunities for days off.

* With the high costs involved, many companies make the classes quite large - certainly not ideal (and much less personal).

* Class pace - classes typically consist of students of varying aptitude, therefore tension can be created between the quicker-learners and those who prefer a more relaxed! pace.

* Count the cost of all the petrol, fares,! parking , food and accommodation and you may be surprised (and not pleasantly). Trainees have reported extra costs of between several hundred and a couple of thousand pounds. Do the maths - and see for yourself.

* You should never risk even a small chance of being side-stepped for potential advancement or income boosts while you're training.

* Many of us find it difficult to ask questions in a class full of other trainees - so we don't appear ignorant.

* When your work takes you away from home, you face the added difficulty that events now become difficult to get to - unfortunately however, the fees were paid along with everything else at the start.

It obviously makes a lot more sense to study at your convenience - not your training provider's - and use videos of instructors with interactive virtual-lab's.

You could study at home on your PC or if you've got a laptop, you can go anywhere. Any questions; then use the pro! vided 24x7 live support (that you should have insisted on for any technical study.)

All the lessons can be repeated whenever you feel you need to - memory is aided by repetition. And note-taking is a thing of the past - it's all laid on.

Could it be simpler: No travelling, wasted time or money; plus you end up with a more stress-free study setting.

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